Please find below some news about Mexican digital invoicing and our partner MYSuite.

XML backup

In case you require an XML backup of your digital invoices for accounting or audit needs, you can send to us a physical letter asking for such information. It must be signed by the legal representant or the person who signed the contract agreed with MYSuite, for the digital invoicing service. You will be able to request the backup of the .XML files sent from your account to the current date. The SAT requires this letter to be physical and not sent by any electronic means.


The update performed the previous month to enhance the MYSuite platform, requires as well an update of your browser for an improved usage. In case of using Internet Explorer IE, it is recommended to install the version 9 with Microsoft patches. Here is the download link, which you can find on MYSuite Support portal.

We will be posting soon additional news about SAT updates and the new requested fields for June 2012. In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us.